CCKQ No 431, Madison, God must have wanted more angelsCCCQ No 483, When Jesus comes back, almost all of humanity will be killed offKnockout Quote No 257, Clark, I found only shabby theological explanations and contrived excuses for GodKnockout Quote No 227, Winell & Tarico, Thus, believers not only get hurt, they get stuckKnockout Quote No 288, Tarico, Why has the main current of Christianity produced a steady diet of misogyny for 2000 years?Knockout Quote No 303, Nelson-Pallmeyer, The Bible can inform our religious experience, but it is often wrong about GodKnockout QuoteNo 271, Parsons, Christianity would never have amounted to much without a doctrine of hellKnockout Quote No 410, koseighty, If you start with the necessity of a human sacrifice to enable an omnipotent god to forgive his creationKnockout Quote No 485, Tobin, A first-century, xenophobic, ignorant Galilean peasant who thought the world was going to endKnockout Quote No 483, When Jesus comes back, almost all of humanity will be killed offKnockout Quote No 521, Harris, I hate to break it to you here at Notre DameKnockout Quote No 478, Sanchez, There is little question that the Holocaust had its origins in the centuries-long hostility