Knockout Quote No 503, Conner, Christianity is ultimately folklore, loosely based on Hebrew folkloreCCKQ No 537, Conner, Despite predictions that Jesus will rise from the dead, not a single one of his apostles shows up
Knockout Quote No 535, Conner, If Jesus is the answer, the question must be stupider than fuckKnockout Quote No 501, Conner, Religion is a mental illness that directly threatens planetary lifeKnockout Quote No 493, Conner, Christians just live in a different time zone than the rest of usKnockout Quote No 468, Conner, It is the Holy Spirit that convinces someone of the truthKnockout Quote No 444, Conner, The Holy Spirit is flitting around the world whispering into the temporal lobes of billions of peopleKnockout Quote No 443, Conner, If you thought the Armageddonists were literally barking insane, psychology increasingly has your backKnockout Quote No 421, Conner, The British suffered over 57,000 casualties during the first day of the Battle of the SommeKnockout Quote No 419, Connor, The rantings of a self-deluded man who is pretty clearly off his rockerKnockout Quote No 417, Conner, Theoretically we have separation of church and state, Separation of church and crazy, not so muchKnockout Quote No 391, Conner, True believers come across to secular moderns as simultaneously condescending and ridiculousKnockout Quote No 389, Conner, (ERIC) The tsunami of dishonest verbiage shows no sign of recedingKnockout Quote No 388, Conner, That the whisperings of a “Holy Spirit” would take precedence over evidence and its coherent analysisKnockout Quote No 477, Conner,The apostle Paul was basically rummaging around in the Old TestamentKnockout Quote No 475, Conner, We have no problem suspecting new religious movements of being examples of folie à plusieursKnockout Quote No 474, Conner, The line between magic and religion is imperceptibleKnockout Quote No 390, Conner, The Holy Spirit made a right shit job of itKnockout Quote No 366, Conner,The overwhelming majority of Christians know bupkis
Jesus sets the captive free from religion and drugs and alcohol. Look at Bill Wilson co-founder of AA to see the miraculous power of the God you cannot comprehend. Millions set free. Ehrman set free, he exclaimed, as Jesus became his role model of self-sacrificial Love.
Your comments are so true
Religion affects people’s just like a drug not engaged in reality
Religion affect people’s brain just like a drug not engaged in reality
Jesus sets the captive free from religion and drugs and alcohol. Look at Bill Wilson co-founder of AA to see the miraculous power of the God you cannot comprehend. Millions set free. Ehrman set free, he exclaimed, as Jesus became his role model of self-sacrificial Love.