William Zingrone – Quotes

Knockout Quote No 386, Zingrone, The delusion of “revealed scripture” has created a lot of hatred, misery and death all over the world
Knockout Quote No 386, Zingrone, The delusion of “revealed scripture” has created a lot of hatred, misery and death all over the world
Zingrone, Pope Francis, Time Magazine 2013 Man of the Year
Zingrone, Pope Francis, Time Magazine 2013 Man of the Year
Knockout Quote No 382, Zingrone, I refuse to call that son-of-a-bitch a saint
Knockout Quote No 382, Zingrone, I refuse to call that son-of-a-bitch a saint
Knocckout Quote No 380, Zingrone, So, go bowling next Sunday instead of attending church and have a good time
Knocckout Quote No 380, Zingrone, So, go bowling next Sunday instead of attending church and have a good time
Zingrone, All the old virgin men in the Catholic Church have been telling us differently for millennia
Zingrone, All the old virgin men in the Catholic Church have been telling us differently for millennia
Knockout Quote No 536, Zingrone, Religious thought, with no basis in reality, and precious little tolerance, is the most destructive
Knockout Quote No 536, Zingrone, Religious thought, with no basis in reality, and precious little tolerance, is the most destructive
Knockout Quote No 538, Zingrone, When pastors and ministers, popes, priests make up shit, we call it theology

One thought on “William Zingrone – Quotes


    Contents: What are the facts of evolution? 1., A fundamentally subjective approach; 2., It cannot account for the origin of its own abilities; 3., It manipulates the genetic program of DNS; 4., Unable to answer the origin of mutations; 5., He bases his doctrine of biological evolution on random mutations and recombinations; 6., Manipulation of natural selection
    7., Evolution’s lie about selection; 8., Manipulating the emergence of new species; 9., The pitfalls of darwin’s theory of selection in five points; 10., The problem of the evolutionary development of the elephant; 11., Complex structures by evolution?; 12., The biased choice of academic science; 13., Evolution for suckers; 14., God test for atheists; 15., The triumph of spirit over matter; 16., Do you recognise that you are a creature?


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